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четверг, 8 декабря 2016 г.


The way to help kids learn from what they do best – play. This is why many educators are looking into a variety of new tools and techniques in Education Gamification. Here are some realy useful online services that can help to make your lessons awesome.

  1. Class Dojo
  1. ClassCraft
  1. Learning Apps
  1. Create Kahoot - Kahoot
Enjoy. Play. Learn.

воскресенье, 20 ноября 2016 г.

English week

I'm happy to share the emotions about last week in school 7 Keys. From 14 November  it was 'The Week of English Language' and it was amazing! During that week all children had the greatest trip around the Great Britain and the USA. Every day we learned and discovered lots of different interesting things about each chosen country! On Monday it was England, on Tuesday we came to Scotland, Wednesday was Wales and on Thursday was the last part of UK - Northern Ireland. At last we finished a week adventure in the USA. Children got the fantastic chance to know a lot about each country and to dive into its culture.

As the result we created the awesome online boards with the most interesting and useful information about countries: